
Jacky Corner (學友區)

This section is dedicated to news and other tidbits about Jacky.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


An interview that Jacky did with 黃子佼 when he was in Taiwan.  Jacky is so funny and cute in this interview!  I love it!

** Jacky fans:  try answering the "trivia" questions that Jiao Jiao asks to Jacky -- see how many you are able to answer? **

Be Friends / 佼個朋友吧
Host: 黃子佼

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


Monday, April 26, 2010

Various Jacky clips from "Artistes 414 Fundraising Campaign"

演藝界情繫玉樹關愛行動@李克勤 孫楠 哈林 張學友

Harlem's performance starts at 1:58; Jacky's starts at 4:18

陳慧琳 x 張學友 但願人長久 演藝界情繫玉樹關愛行動大匯演

庾澄慶 孫楠 李克勤 張學友出席《演藝界情繫玉樹關愛行動》大匯演


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Tang Wei hardworking, Jacky Cheung lazy (Hong Kong directors Pt 1)

Interview with director Ivy Ho regarding her new movie "Crossing Hennessy"


Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

OMG...A full 8 minutes from Harlem's concert with Jacky as musical guest.  I couldn't stop smiling when I watched this.  The chemistry between these 2 are AWESOME and the way they interact is so hilarious!




Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

Interview with Jacky during his visit to Taiwan (the video is short, but sweet!)



Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Source: Entertainment news

「歌神」張學友猛忘詞 自嘲年紀到了


在哈林的演唱會上,張學友被突襲點唱舊歌「你最珍貴」卻忘詞、唱新歌「Double Trouble」也忘,隔天的歌迷活動上再唱再忘。他說:「現在好很多了,以前會很懊惱,當場一、兩個小時不說話,也可能一整個星期都在生氣。」


張學友說,在1990到2000這段國語唱片與他個人的黃金時期,也是最受市場影響的時期,「但現在很大程度是做自己想要做的事。」所以出了一張他想要的舒服專輯「Private Corner」,接下來是爵士風的國語新歌加精選,然後是加重爵士比例的演唱會。



【2010/04/13 聯合報】@


Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Source:  Awakening News

幫哈林介紹女友? 張學友說不敢





「Private Corner」專輯造成亞洲旋風,賣超過20萬張的銷售。張學友也說,台灣的歌迷不會等待太久,今年年中之後,將會有一系列在台灣的宣傳,也會出張精選輯.

Monday, April 12th, 2010

Source:  TTV Taiwan








Jacky footage starting at 3:50



Monday, April 12th, 2010

歌神張學友化身張老師 為歌迷解惑

Source:  ntdtv Taiwan

April 12, 2010 — 睽違五年,歌神張學友來台發行全新粵語專輯,12號(星期一)特地化身張老師,解答歌迷心中的問題,歌迷非常開心,並送上自己親手做的禮物,對於日前在哈林演唱會上忘詞,張學友也做出回應。


歌手 張學友:「才不管他!可能因為你年紀還小,所以會執著在一點點小事情上面!可能隨著年紀慢慢長大,很多事情當時覺得很重要,然後其實後來看也沒有這麼大不了!」


歌手 張學友:「其實可以坦白告訴他,因為其實很多人喜歡我,是喜歡我的歌,或是我的行為!其實跟人是沒有關係的,所以其實你可以告訴他其實我是喜歡這個東西!」


歌手 張學友:「我來之前其實還沒有決定要唱什麼歌,因為我要唱一首還是唱兩首,也是到來的時候才決定!」


新唐人亞太電視 夏明淵 方惠萱 台灣台北報導


Sunday, April 11th, 2010

Source:  Era News (年代新聞)

哈林2010台北小巨蛋演唱會 (年代新聞)


Source:  Mingpao Weekly online





Translated  version of article:

Ex-wife Annie does not show up at Harlem Yu’s concert

Sunday, April 11, 2010 Taiwan

Source: Mingpao

Translation: llwy12@

Harlem Yu held his concert at the Taipei Arena the day before yesterday. Not only did his entire family come to support his concert, his young son Little Harry also made a rare appearance to show support; however his ex-wife Annie Ng – whom it was rumored earlier wished to reunited with Harlem – did not attend the concert and did not even send flowers. Nevertheless, Harlem received great support from his friends in the entertainment circle, including artists such as Coco Lee, Stephanie Sun, Alex Wang Lee Hom, Show Luo, etc. – all of whom sent Harlem interesting and unique flower tablets wishing him luck with his concert. In addition, best friend Jacky Cheung being the musical guest as well as the audience’s excited reaction to his concert performances made Harlem extremely happy.

As the concert opened, Harlem appeared on stage as a ‘mer-man’ and sang the song "Heaven" to start things off. After going through divorce recently, Harlem stated that he was lucky to have a bunch of good friends who supported him. The appearance of best friend Jacky Cheung on stage marked the climax of the concert, as the entire audience screamed with excitement. Jacky sang 2 songs – his famous "Goodbye Kiss" as well as Alan Tam’s "Just Between Dream and Reality" -- he also did a duet with Harlem where he posed as the ‘male voice’ and Harlem showed his skills by posing as the ‘female voice.’ Of course, the 2 long-time friends joked around on stage as well and made the audience laugh with their trademark banter (at each other’s expense), demonstrating once again their awesome chemistry.

Harlem’s elder sister made a special trip from the U.S. to Taiwan to attend his concert and his mother brought his son little Harry to the concert as well to watch him perform. As for Harlem’s ex-wife Annie, she indicated that she had to attend a performance in mainland China, so she would not be able to attend. Harlem’s manager Meng Mei Ying said: “Whether she [Annie] sends flowers is not within our control.” However, the flower tablets that Harlem’s good friends sent him were very creative and funny: Wu Zun called Harlem ‘Uncle Teacher’ in his flower tablet and the male group Grasshoppers sent Harlem a flower tablet that read ‘To Big Sister Harlem’, ‘From Eldest Sister, Second Sister, Youngest Sister.’


Sunday,  April 11th, 2010

Source:  Youtube -- TTV Taiwan

最新消息: 學友會主播台灣台視的晚間新聞...

Aww, Jacky is so cute in here...can't wait to watch the segment he does.


Friday, April 9th, 2010


出道25年 「歌神」張學友談起起落落
TVBS 更新日期:2010/04/06 22:51 詹瑋琦










Translated version of news article:

After 25 years in the industry, God of Song Jacky Cheung talks about his ups and downs
Saturday, April 10, 2010 Hong Kong

(Original news footage posted April 6, 2010)
Source: TVBS news

Video Footage:

Translated by: llwy12@

Recently, Jacky has been preparing for his world tour concert at the end of the year. Coincidentally, this year is also Jacky’s 25th anniversary in the music industry. Jacky’s music career was at its peak back in the mid-1990s, however in the past 10 years, with the many changes in the music industry, Jacky honestly feels that his ‘best years’ have already passed. However, starting in the year 2000, Jacky started to change direction – he started to become more involved with stage musicals as well as movies, which allowed him to ‘perform’ in a completely different realm and expand his experiences.

Jacky Cheung -- one of Hong Kong’s 4 Kings of Canto-pop and dubbed “God of Songs’ – has been in the industry 25 years! "Goodbye Kiss", "Love Web", "With You All My Life", "Blessings"  -- each one of Jacky’s songs is known and universally appreciated, however do you know how many albums Jacky has released? The answer: 96 albums, 1524 songs.

Jacky’s words: “I personally feel that my influence was greatest back during the time period of 1990 to 2000 because I was very active in the music industry at the time. In addition, at that time, the music industry (market) was flourishing – this is one area where I got lucky.”

The mid-1990s saw the peak of Jacky’s career; according to calculations by the International Album Sales Association during that time period, the number of albums Jacky sold was surpassed only by one musician – the late King of Pop Michael Jackson – which put Jacky #2 in the world in terms of highest album sales. It also gave him a spot in Time Magazine’s 50 Most Influential People in Asia’.

After the year 2000, Jacky changed the focus of his career to stage shows and films – especially of note is the film <>: not only did this film mark Jacky’s successful transformation from music to movies, it also brought him the ‘Best Actor’ (Movie King) title.

For the film <>, Jacky put aside his ‘image’ and took on a comedic role that required him to ridicule himself in order to make audiences laugh, which allowed his fans and all audiences to witness his exquisite acting skills.

With all the changes in the HK entertainment industry, Jacky, with his 25 years in the industry, admits that he does not miss his ‘Heavenly King’ days -- the tides rise and fall – Jacky very clearly understands that career ups and downs is something that every artist in the entertainment industry will experience and is necessary in order to grow.

Jacky’s words: “In the past 10 years, one of the most influential artists in the music industry was probably Jay Chou, and David Tao started to appear in the late 90s/early 2000s; therefore, in the past 10 years, R&B music influenced the direction of the music industry tremendously. Out of 10 artists, 8 of them would sing R&B and the remaining 2 would sing popular mainstream music of that era.”

In his 25 years in the industry, Jacky Cheung has experimented with different styles at different time periods – however, through all this, what has continued to remain the same is the great work ethic and attitude with which Jacky treats every single performance.


Friday, April 9th, 2010

張學友音樂起義@李香蘭Live (Jazz Version)


This is actually the last few minutes of an interview that Jacky did with i-Cable.  The host, Albert, asked if he could sing one of his classic hits 李香蘭 using Jazz.  He did right then and there -- the result:  ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!!  I fell in love with this jazz version of the song!

This is absolutely why Jacky is the GOD OF SONGS!!!!


Thursday, April 8th, 2010

此為《月滿軒尼詩》電影拍攝特輯, 長達18分鐘20秒, 有學友對角色演繹之專訪等。

這幾天報導有說《月滿軒尼詩》叫好不叫座. 可能與劇種偏藝術性有關吧! 大家看了沒有 ? 已推介給身邊朋友了嗎 ?
This is a "Making of..." special for "Crossing Hennessy".  It is 18 minutes, 20 seconds long and contains interview with Jacky as well as his thoughts on the character he portrays.
"Crossing Hennessy" documentary


Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

Jacky will be singing the Chinese version of the song 旗開得勝 (Waving Flag) for the 2010 World Cup!

Source: Entertainment News
這次是張靚穎第5次來台,但最懊惱的是與周六要來的師兄張學友擦身而過。其實兩人已合唱2010年世界杯足球賽中文主題曲「旗開得勝」(Waving Flag),此曲由南非歌手K'naan作曲、李焯雄填寫中文詞,中文版則是張學友、張靚穎加原唱K'naan三人合唱。


Monday, April 5th, 2010

20100404音樂風雲榜『華語樂壇十年 - 最具影響力的人物』候選名單- 張學友之成就簡介 - 比我們的想像中, 他的成就真是...非一般 !!
Jacky got nominated for the Most Influential Person in the Asian Entertainment Industry in the past 10 years


Thursday, April 1st, 2010

張學友 "Double Trouble" MV

Debuted at Jacky's album celebration gathering yesterday...just posted by UMG today!

《Double Trouble》MV 導演夏永康、陳國輝,整個MV耗資超過50萬。夏、陳兩位與學友拍攝〈Double Trouble〉MV時一拍即合。導演們更為學友找來國際級名模杜鵑當女主角,學友大感高興。

Source:  Universal HK on Youtube

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! This is JJWong. I ran across Jacky One World on YouTube and thought of you. Watching his performances gave me chills and wow. He truly deserves the "Song God" (even though he denies the title). He's like Hong Kong, no the Asian national treasure.
