
Thursday, June 21, 2012

List of CTI Artists and Behind-the-Scenes Personnel **UPDATED 6/21/2012**

**Updates in BLUE **

**Latest update (6/21/12): The information for CTI's latest series came out this morning and based on the cast list, I went ahead and updated my post.  Note that I'm not 100% sure whether these artists are actually signed with CTI or are simply filming series for them as "guests" -- will update more info as I come across it.

After my previous 2 posts about CTI’s press conference and upcoming series, I was asked by several people if there was a list out there of all the artists (and BTS people) who joined CTI. To be honest, I really was not planning on putting a list together, but seeing that everything is so new with CTI right now and there isn’t a whole lot of good information out there at the moment (from what I see, a lot of the info out there right now is primarily Media speculation rather than confirmed information), I decided to go ahead and put together a list as best as I could.

The below is a list I compiled based on Weibo as well as news reports. The artists who are listed under the “CONFIRMED” section are those who 1) have either personally confirmed they have signed with CTI (via interviews and non-tabloid news reports) or 2) they attended CTI’s groundbreaking ceremony, or 3) they are listed as part of the cast list on the press releases from CTI’s new series press conference.

**DISCLAIMER: This list was compiled based purely on my research and consists primarily of artists that I’m familiar with – it is NOT an official list by any means!! If there are other artists confirmed to have joined CTI (key word is CONFIRMED) but are not listed here, feel free to let me know if you want.

I will continue to update this post as more information comes out in the next few months, so stay tuned!


Artists and Behind-the-Scenes people CONFIRMED to be joining CTI (or have already joined):

** Note that I’m not 100% sure what type of contracts each artist has signed, as many of them did not elaborate on that in any of the news reports – therefore, I only listed the contract terms for the ones who did mention it.

Felix Wong (黃日華) – per series contract
Maggie Cheung Hor Yee (張可頤) – per series contract
Frankie Lam (林文龍)
Bernice Liu (廖碧兒)
John Chiang (姜大衛)
Paul Chun (秦沛)
Mannor Chan (陳曼娜) – 3 year contract
Yuen Wah (元華)
Leila Tong (唐寧)
Lisa Lui (呂有慧)
Felix Lok (駱應鈞)
Rain Lau (劉玉翠)
Maria Chen (陳霽平)
Prudence Liew (劉美君)
Kelvin Kwan (關楚耀)
Catherine Chau (周家怡)
Benji Chiang (姜文杰) – only joined CTI after the whole debacle with TVB
Lesley Chiang (姜麗文)
Wilson Tsui (艾威)
Yu Mo Lian (余慕蓮)
Ha Yu (夏雨) -- though not 100% confirmed, rumor has it that he will likely join CTI, since he has said he will go with the company that offers him the most money and so far Ricky Wong's offer is the highest amongst those who have sought him out.
Samuel Kwok (郭峰)
Shek Sau (石修)
Eddie Lee (李雨陽)
Chan On Ying (陳安瑩)
Sin Ho Ying (冼灝英)
Dominic Lam (林嘉華)
Savio Tsang (曾偉權)
Kwong Chor Fai (鄺佐輝)
Sherming Yiu (姚樂怡)
Noelle Leung (梁小冰)
Lawrence Chou (周俊瑋)
Mimi Kung (龔慈恩)
Jason Chan (陳柏宇)
William So (蘇永康) – has stated that he is only participating in 1 series for now, as he has a concert tour coming up and might not have time to film more series
Zac Koo (高皓正)
Feng So Bor (馮素波)
Peter Lai (黎彼得)
Spencer Leung (梁思浩) -- reportedly he will be filming for CTI after his contract with i-Cable is up and will also be hosting variety show for NowTV
Suen Ho Ho (孫浩浩) – scriptwriter
Poon Man Hung (潘漫紅) – scriptwriter
Lam Siu Zi (林少枝) - scriptwriter
Lee Yee Wah (李綺華) - scriptwriter
Ben Fong (方俊華) - director
Leung Man Wah (梁敏華) - scriptwriter
Chu Kang Kei (朱鏡祺) scriptwriter
Brian Wong (黃澤)
Peter Pang (彭國) - formerly known by the names 彭冠中and 彭比得 [his sister is HK singer Angela Pang 彭家麗]
Tang Yuen Mei (鄧婉媚) - producer [her most famous work at TVB was the "On the Road" (向世界出) travel series]
Adrian Wong (黄芷晴) -- Felix Wong's daughter [Felix confirmed on his Weibo and in an interview that his daughter has signed with CTI and that the two of them will likely be filming a series together soon -- though they won't be playing father/daughter in the series].
Angela Pang (彭家麗) -- confirmed on Weibo that she signed with Ricky Wong's company (her brother Peter Pang recently joined CTI as well) and will be returning to the small screen again

Additional Artists Participating in CTI series:

The following artists were listed as part of the cast of CTI’s first 3 series – I am listing them separately because I’m not entirely familiar with who they are and so I’m not sure to what extent their collaboration is with CTI. Those of you who are familiar with these artists and would like to comment on them, please feel free.

Danson Tang (唐禹哲) – Taiwan singer/actor
Michelle Wai (詩雅) – HK movie actress
Terence Yin (尹子維) – HK movie actor / singer
Charles Ying (應昌佑) – HK singer
Kathy Yuen (湯怡)
Carlos Chan (陳家樂)
Bond Chan (陳少邦)
Rachel Lam (林熹瞳)
Alex Wong (黄浩霆) -- graduate of CTI’s acting class
Luk Chun Kwong (陸駿光)
Emily Wong (王歌慧)
Thomas Chow Chi Lung (周子龍)
Evelyn Choi (蔡穎恩)
Kate Yeung (楊淇)

** Updated 6/21/12

Based on cast list for newest series: “The Second Life” (第二人生)

Wilfred Lau (劉浩龍) -- not sure if he actually signed or is filming as a guest, but he is the male lead for the CTI's new series
Bondy Chiu (趙學而)
Joey Tang (鄧建明) -- musician from the 80s HK band Tai Chi
Patrick Lui (雷有暉) -- muscian from the 80s HK band Tai Chi
Ann Ho (何紫綸) -- model?
Anita Chan (陳穎)
Bonnie Wong (黃文) -- wow, haven't seen Bonnie in series for a long time!! I wonder if she is just 'guesting' or actually signed to CTI? [long time TVB fans probably best know her as Mui Chiu Fung in the 80s version of "Legend of the Condor Heroes"]
Wong Ching ()
Nick Chong (莊兆麟)
Ricksen Tam (譚晴)
Wong Mei Ki (黃美) -- former child actress who was in lots of TVB series back in the 90s
Cherry Pau (鮑康兒)
Jim Bing Hei (詹秉) -- I thought he went to ATV?  [Again, long time TVB fans might remember him in "Rainbow Round My Shoulder" (pretty much the only TVB series where he was the male lead)]
Annie Cheung (張雅麗
Joyce Giann Wong (黃瑩)


  1. Thanks! I've also been wondering who joined. I know you or someone else said earlier that Felix say some people who he didn't know joined but due to contract reasons he can't reveal who they are. It'd be interesting to see who else joins after their contract official ends with I'm assuming TVB?

    1. @sport3888: No problem! It turns out that putting together a list helped me sort things out better in my head as well (especially with all the 'rumors' that had been flying around earlier).

      Yup, that's what Felix had mentioned both on his Weibo and also in a few of the news reports. He said that there were actually quite a few artists who we would consider 'newcomers' (they started at TVB a few years ago) that he saw at the dinner -- once their contracts with TVB are up, they will be officially joining CTI. There's actually a behind the scenes person I follow on Weibo who said that for these 'newcomers' that Felix mentioned, their contracts are estimated to expire either this month or within the next two months -- so that means throughout the next few months, the names of these artists will slowly be revealed....

  2. Newcomers, I was thinking more towards the already "famous" leading actors but then those are all tied down to TVB for a while. It's great to know that CTI didn't only get the "veterans/oldies" but also younger actors who have potential. Because lets face it no one wants to watch series with only a bunch of old treasurers.

    1. @sport3888: First, sorry for the delay in responding (still trying to play catch up from last week being so crazy).

      Yes, it's good that CTI seems to be getting a mix of artists and not just the veterans because that can help them attract different audience types. It also dispels the misconception that all of CTI's artists were poached from TVB (because with some of the younger ones on the list, it's obvious that's not the case).

  3. @llwy12 - You don't know how glad and appreciative I am of your efforts, once again. Haven't been stalking much lately but saw some info for the 3 new series at CTI soooo... These three new series probably are test runs since they have several genre? AND I'm NOT completely sure but I think Danson might be there just for those 'from time to time' projects? *shrugs* I meant he's mostly based in TW,etc so probably another test to see how it turns out before collaborating with him in the future or other artists? (Might be looking at those collaborations like those mainland productions having people from HK, TW, etc in the same series.)

    @sport3888 - I agree. Though I like those veterans too with their experiences and all, BUT I sure want to see different genres too so having variety is good.

    1. @DTLCT: problem! Glad that my post was useful!

      Well, not sure if I would call the first 3 series 'test runs' because I had read somewhere that Ricky Wong intends on making every series a different genre because he knows audiences are tired of the same old themes over and over again. I think we'll have to wait until August to find out if that's truly the case because that's when the second batch of series will start filming (Felix Wong is scheduled to start filming one of the August series).

      And I definitely think you're right regarding Danson being only there for 'time to time' type projects. Actually, I think that's the case with alot of the artists because so far, I have not heard of very many artists who have signed full on management contracts with CTI -- almost all of them have 'per series' contracts and most of them only committed to like 1 series (i.e. Maggie Cheung, Felix Wong -- both only signed a 1 series contract with CTI).

  4. Really? all different genres? Cool! Yes audience are tired of the same things so something different each time is nice. But I'm sure like most companies if there's a successful series they'll obviously milk another similar one. It happens all around the world. Just don't be like TVB and milk the cow to death =/ Look at 2013 it's practically all sequels.

  5. Thank you very much for providing the information of CTI's upcoming series "The Second Life". I've always been a fan of Bondy Chiu Hok Yee's. Thus, you made my day by letting me know she's back on TV! Since I do not speak Chinese, I cannot know much about this series after reading this article: It seems like the press conference for the series. There is Bondy Chiu's name but she was not present.

    1. @StevenVu: No problem...glad you found the list useful!

      Yup, Bondy wasn't present at the press conference -- most likely she was doing work for her album. Too bad you don't read Chinese, otherwise it might be a good idea to follow her Weibo so you can keep up to date on stuff related to her.

  6. Wilfred Lau as male lead?! what is CTI doing? You can bet I won't be watching this! Hate this guy right now for what he did to Denise Ho. Dating his best friend's ex GF! <.< Ricky Wong should be very worried if he ever airs this bet ratings would be very low.

    1. @sport3888: I know, I was sort of shocked to hear Wilfred Lau would be male lead...I actually don't know too much about him, as I don't follow his news much....

      To be honest, the cast for this particular series isn't really anything to cheer about (This series sounds like the least interesting one out of the 4 announced so far). The plot summary also sounds boring, which makes it likely that I probably won't want to watch this series....

    2. Agree, I was shocked as well. Not to say that a series with a cast of unknown can't become extremely popular(happens alot with Taiwan dramas) but with the likes of Wilfred and the recent bad publicly chances are slim to none. If I was CTI I'd just air this during a bad time slot.
