
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weibo Fever #5: More Jacky Concert News -- Jacky and Friends!

Jacky’s ½ Century Concert is currently taking place at the Hong Kong Coliseum – he will perform a total of 20 shows and all 190,000 plus tickets are sold out!

Almost every night since the HK leg of Jacky’s concert tour started back on 4/15, his friends and fans from the entertainment industry have attended one of his shows. It’s been great following Jacky’s concert on Weibo and seeing the various pictures that his friends have posted.

Below is a gathering of recent behind-the-scenes “updates” from Jacky’s concert….enjoy!

Note: All pictures credited as listed


April 24th @19:48: Vani’s Weibo

陪了阿哥半小時,他剛化好妝,第九場演出一定要成功 妹妹急趕回電台開工了!

Translation: Accompanied Brother for half an hour, he just finished with his makeup. The 9th show (in HK) will definitely be successful – Sister is rushing to get back to the radio station to start work!


April 24th @00:25: Vani’s Weibo

今日壓軸微博!!請各位熱烈鼓掌 歌神與@吹神 之「世紀合照」!!勁chok!超強!!十級震撼 特別鳴謝動作指導~Eason
Translation: Today’s weibo climax!! Please put your hands together – God of Songs (Jacky) and Eason’s “Photo of the Century”! Extremely chok! Super strong!! Shocking to the 10th level! Special thanks to action director – Eason!


April 24th @11:39: Bernice Liu’s Weibo

琴晚看了一個show,遇到 @吹神,thanks 歌神學友 !!

Translation: Yesterday, while watching a show, I bumped into Eason! Thanks to God of Songs Jacky!


April 23rd @00:11 Kevin Cheng’s Weibo

Jacky ar

April 23rd @22:59: Vani’s Weibo

「頭號學友粉絲」@吹神 來了!表情極度浮誇並於後台瘋狂呼叫!

Translation: “Number one Jacky fan” Eason Chan is here! His expression is extremely ‘exaggerated’ plus back stage, he has been shouting like a mad man!


April 23rd @22:35: Vani’s Weibo


Translation: Someone is being very considerate of Jacky, helping him fix his outfit right before he is to go out on stage.


April 22nd @22:58: Vani’s Weibo

Translation: Brother is absolutely “solid”!!!! Enough said.

April 22nd @01:31: Vani’s Weibo

哎喲梁光! 阿哥一定是為賀你加入商業電台24週年所以今晚特別改Rundown多唱了「暗戀你」和「藍雨」!! 不過你要上班,所以唱了給我聽

Translation: Aiya, Liang Guong [TN: name of male in the picture, a colleague of Vani’s]! Brother must have wanted to celebrate your 24th anniversary with Commercial Radio, so he especially changed the rundown tonight, adding the songs “Secretly in Love with You” and “Blue Rain”!!! But you had to work, so he sang it for me…haha!


April 19th @03:25: Vani’s Weibo

刘伟强 劉大導演 你為學友演唱會拍攝之影片和卡通動畫水準超班超正 出心出力 剛剛又再來撐阿哥,灰常感激你 送你照片留念 不過不知為什麼這合照我把你的臉拍成奶白色!莫非因為你真的是「牛奶強」!!

Translation: To Andrew Lau – Director Lau! The mini-movie and animated cartoon that you produced for Jacky’s concert are super high quality and awesome! You obviously put a lot of effort in it. Plus you just came to support Brother again – extremely grateful to you! Sending you this photo as a souvenir gift – but not sure why when I took this photo, your face came out white as milk! Could it be because you are really “Milk Keung [Andrew]!!!


April 19th @01:14: Vani’s Weibo

名符其實「友」「米」!學友感謝各方友好及歌迷以白米代替鮮花賀他的演唱會,目前已籌得7000公斤白米! 送給聖雅各福群會的眾膳坊食物銀行,幫助貧苦大眾!

Translation: Now this is truly ‘have rice’ [TN: play on Jacky’s Chinese name]! Jacky thanks all his friends as well as fans for giving rice instead of flowers to celebrate his concert – currently, there have already been 7000 kilograms of rice raised! A gift to the St. James Settlement Group’s Food Bank to help the poor and hungry!

April 19th @00:54: Vani’s Weibo

學友1/2世紀演唱會第五場結束後會見媒體,經紀人陳太突然說不如由我幫阿哥主持記者會啦!由於事出突然 所以入行以來首次素顏加工作人員Look當主持人!街坊到不行!頂自己唔順

Translation: During the media conference after the 5th show of Jacky’s ½ Century tour, manager Mrs. Chan suddenly asked that I help Brother host the press conference! Because of the suddenness of it, this was the first time since I entered the industry that I hosted without wearing makeup and also in my ‘employee look’! Very casual! Can’t stand myself!


April 17th @17:31: Vani’s Weibo


Translation (by me): Need to work tonight! Godfather, please help me take good care of Brother!


April 16th @20:55: Vani’s Weibo

強大的JC Team!Good show!

Translation: Big and strong JC Team! Good show!


April 16th @06:17: Vani’s Weibo

蔡一智 @我係雪芳 @容祖儿 限時專送歌神合照!

Translation: To Calvin Choy, Xuet Fong, Joey Yung – Immediately sending your picture with the God of Songs!


April 16th @00:09: Vani’s Weibo

祖兒待學友完show後迫不及待穿上傳說釘上十一萬顆水晶,重十公斤的「歌神戰衣」!!重的腰也不能挺直了!阿哥見狀都笑了 @容祖儿

Translation: After Jacky’s show ended, Joey [Yung] couldn’t wait to try on the outfit that has100,000 crystals sewn onto it – the “God of Songs battle outfit” that weighs 10 kilograms [approximately 22 pounds]!! The outfit is so heavy that Joey couldn’t even stand up straight! Brother saw her and couldn’t help but laugh.


April 15th @01:25 Vani’s Weibo

學友香港演唱會首場開場,發哥的出現令紅館後台造成小騷動呀!工作人員全部變Fan屎 還向發哥自薦做保安員帶他去座位坐,阿哥見狀笑説:「怎麼反而沒有人帶我!我不是應該要出場嗎?」 P.S這合照其實是發哥主動叫我和阿哥跟他一起拍的!嚇死我!

Translation: Jacky’s HK concert opening night, Fat Gor [Chow Yun Fat]’s appearance caused a bit of a stir backstage at the Coliseum! All the workers turned into fans and even recommended themselves to him as bodyguards to help him get to his seat! Brother Jacky saw this and laughed, saying: “Hey, why isn’t anyone volunteering to help me get to the stage?! Isn’t it time for me to go on stage now?” (Oops…) P.S.: This photo is actually one that Fat Gor voluntarily told us (me and Brother Jacky) to take with him! Scared me to death!


April 14th @20:10 Vani’s Weibo

我快要瘋了!看誰來撐阿哥! 賭神vs歌神! 阿妮開心到暈!!!

Translation: I must be going mad! Look who came to support Brother! God of Gamblers versus God of Songs! Vani is so happy, about to faint!


  1. Are the thumbnails supposed to link to the larger photo? Because they don't, it directs me back to the thumbnail sized pic. :(

    I have seen alot of them on weibo already. :p I personally loved the Eason ones, especially the "dancing" one. :p I don't normally see the fun/playful side of Jacky much so that was something new. I liked the one where Joey tries on the “God of Songs battle outfit”, pretty hilarious. Love how we can see Jacky at the back laughing. :p

    As always thanks for the translations! ^_^


  2. @kei: Hi there! Thanks for visiting!

    Actually, the thumbnails don't link to the larger photo -- I uploaded the pictures to my blog directly from Weibo, so unfortunately, the pictures will only be thumbnails. The pictures on weibo do link to larger ones though... :-)

    Yes, I've been following all the Jacky concert pics closely on Weibo, but since they're a bit scattered (since various people have been posting), I felt this would be a good opportunity to consolidate them all in one!

    Yes, I liked the Eason pictures as well and I thought the Joey one was pretty cute. Of course though, my favorites are the ones with Chow Yun Fat, since 2 of my idols are in the same pic (which is rare)! Haha...

    No problem regarding the translations!

  3. I'm a silent reader for the most part. :p

    Yup looked at the pictures on weibo, just thought it was a little strange that it didn't link to the larger pic. And oh it definitely is a great idea to put it all in one place. :)

    Haha and I noticed that in some pictures Jacky has an apple. I remember a while back I heard about a singer that would eat apples during his concert (or something like that), not entirely sure but I think might have been Jacky. Have you heard anything like that before?


  4. Yup, that's Jacky -- he eats an apple prior to every show because it gives him energy, since he usually doesn't eat a whole lot prior to performing (plus he has to protect his voice, so definitely has to be careful what he eats). I guess you could call the apple his 'secret sauce' (though it's not really a secret...hahaha).
